Client-side schema
Extend your schema with client-specific fields
You can optionally provide a client-side schema to Apollo Client that defines
As with any GraphQL schema, your client-side schema must be written in
The client-side schema is not used to validate operations like it is on the server (the graphql-js
modules for schema validation would dramatically increase your bundle size). Instead, your client-side schema is used for introspection in the
The following demonstrates how to define a client-side schema and provide it to the ApolloClient
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, gql } from '@apollo/client';const typeDefs = gql`extend type Query {isLoggedIn: Boolean!cartItems: [Launch]!}extend type Launch {isInCart: Boolean!}extend type Mutation {addOrRemoveFromCart(id: ID!): [Launch]}`;const client = new ApolloClient({cache: new InMemoryCache(),uri: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql',typeDefs,});
If you open up the GraphiQL
tab, you'll be able to explore your client schema in the "Docs" section. This example doesn't include a remote schema, but if it did, you would be able to see your local queries and mutations alongside your remote ones.